Thursday, September 15, 2011

Justin's first bad bike crash

Justin had his first bad bike crash. He has been riding his bike up and down the curb so much that he bent the training wheels on his bike. The training wheels were so bent that when he took a sharp turn he tipped over. I must admit that he had a little help from mom. He was riding in the road and I yelled at him to get out of the road and he looked over his shoulder and turned real sharp and went down. I felt really bad.

He felt better after taking a break and putting some ice on it. I was proud of him for being tough.

Scripture Time

We have really been trying to have scripture time every night. It has been awesome for our family. Justin asks ALOT of questions and retains dang near everything. We try to calm things down a little by giving a round of milk to all of them. Justin gets Strawberry milk in a sippy so he can drink it with the brothers on the couch. This was a good night of scripture reading.

Fisher, Justin and Hunter!

When Daddy comes home

When Daddy comes home .... the boys are happy as can be. They miss their Daddy!


Justin loves the worms they find in the sandbox!!

Fisher thinks he is as big as ever

Fisher is my handful. He thinks he is as big as Justin and wants to do everything the bigger kids are doing. He LOVES to follow Justin around constantly and do whatever Justin is doing! After lunch Fisher always gets down from the counter and goes to the back door and cries cause he wants to go outside and he can't quite figure out that darn doorknob!

Fisher has learned that "big boys" eat at the bar and without a bib. He LOVES ketchup and he doesn't like his food to touch each other. He is stubborn.

Putting on Justin's bike helmet.

Outside with the hose. He loves water and being outside so this is a snapshot of his perfect world.

Otter pops are one of his staples. Loves them, especially when he is outside with the bigger kids.

The only indoor activity that distracts him from the outdoors is lining the cars up on the couch or in the windowsill. He really likes cars. Notice that the 2 Mater trucks are together, then all the blue cars, then the black cars and so on and they are facing the same direction. Does he get this particularness from his mom or his dad? That is a good question!

He watched Justin climb on the back of the couch so now he climbs on the back of the couch. He loves standing in the windowsills. I don't like it.

Fisher knows when he gets his shoes on he can go outside. He was so proud of hiself for getting Justin's shoes on him.

Justin and Fisher are good friends. Fisher just loves to eat breakfast at the bar with Justin. He will wear the bib as long as it looks like a dishtowel!

Fisher is my speedball but I love him very much. He has the cutest personality and never sits still for more than 30 seconds.

Highland Splash Pad

The first day of school I thought it would be fun to take the little kids to the Highland Splash Pad. I invited my sisters and their little ones to go with us. It was fun but I think alot of mom's had the same idea because it was busy busy with lots of pre-first-graders (the kindergarten kids started the following week).

Hunter was really good. I put him in the umbrella striller and put him right down in the river with us. The umbrella worked awesome becuase it is made to clip on umbrella strollers. It helped him keep his eyes open out there in the blazing sun. Hunter ended up falling asleep and slept on a blanket under the beach umbrella.

Fisher loved the water. This was totally his thing.

Justin loves the splash pad. He had fun with the cousins.

Keegan loves the water coming out of the rocks.

Emmie and Hannah.

The "Little Boys" of my family minus Hunter. Justin, Fisher, Soren, Keegan and Jason. There are 6 little boys from Justin down in the Gerber family. That means 6 boys in 2 years! It is going to be crazy in a couple more years. I was bummered that Hunter was sleeping during this picture.

Will, Addy and Cole got to go to school today. We missed them too!

Hunter can do STAIRS!!

Hunter has mastered going UP the STAIRS!! We have worked on this for several months. These pictures were taken the end of July. When we first started working on the stairs someone had to follow very close behind and help him with his legs. He also had to have just the right toy above him to coax him up. When he started to get the hang of the stairs he could only make it to the landing and have to have a rest. Now Hunter can go from the basement all the way upstairs without stopping on the landing and without a toy to coax him! He is not very fast at the stairs but he can do them and we are thrilled about it. We are still working on coming down!

Hunter was about 22-23 months old when he did stairs with minimal assistance!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Alpine Slide

Tyler took Justin on the Alpine Slide. It took forever to finally make it on because it kept raining off and on. But they made it and had a blast. I waited at the bottom with the little boys and had quite the time entertaining them while we waited. Tyler was a little worried about going to fast and scaring Justin so he took it easy. Tyler said the whole way down Justin kept saying, "Faster Dad, faster."

The funniest thing happened when Tyler bought the tickets for the ride. Justin kept asking to go on a ride. Tyler explained to him that we needed tickets to go on the rides. So Tyler got in the ticket line with Justin and bought tickets. When they finally had tickets in their hands Justin came runnign across the plaza yelling, "Mom, We got tickets!" It was so stinking cute. A bystander told Tyler that made his day seeing Justin's excitement.

I had to get creative to entertain Fisher while we waited for Dad and Justin. He lined up rocks on the benches and banged rocks against the poles. He had fun. He kept going over to the guys running the ski lift and pestering them and repeating Dad Dad Dad over and over. I finally figured out that he thought the workers were Tyler because they had red shirts on and so did Tyler. Hunter was just happy to be in the stroller playing with the canopy.


We went up to the Mountain Side Resort and did some activities up there. Here we are riding the carousel. This was the fastes carousel I have ever riden.

Family walk in Park City

The last full day we were in Park City we went for a walk on the walking path near our condo. It was fairly shady and a nice little walk. Of course, we ended up at the trackhoe park again.

We came across this music park on our walk. There were all sorts of things that you could hit with this club that would make different sounds. It was pretty cool.

Justin was so anxious and walked ahead of us most of the walk.

I got a kick out of this tree with all the shoes hanging in it. I had never heard of it before and I guess I have a cousin that scaled the tree one time and scored her a new pair of shoes. Crazy if you ask me.

Dad and the little brothers in the stoller on the bridge.

Justin on the bridge.

Splash Park in Park City

We went to the splash park in Park City while we were there. We met my friend, Tiffany, and her 2 daughters and some friends there. As soon as we started to play it started to sprinkle and then within minutes it was down pouring. We tried to get out of the rain and wait it out but the owners came out and said they had to turn it off due to the lightening. As soon as we got loaded in the van the sun came out and it quit raining; of course, we were all soaking wet and freezing by then.

Trackhoe Park 2011

All 3 boys loved the trackhoe park. It is the best park ever. It has shade and a fence that surrounds the play area. There is a big toy, climbing web, swings, sandbox, and trackhoes. We spent several hours at this park every day we stayed in Park City.

Mom and Hunter in the shade

Justin on the climbing web...his favorite spot this year.

Fisher swinging.

Hunter swinging.

Justin wanted to push Hunter so bad. He was a good brother and helped with the boys so much.

Justin got up enough nerve to try the tire swing. He liked it but didnt get back on it again.

The swings were so much fun. There were 2 baby swings. It was great being able to push them both at the same time.

Fisher loved this ramp part of the toy. He would go up and down it. I am surprised he didnt wear a track right in it.

Hunter feel asleep in the stroller and had a great nap!

What a fun park!

Park City 2011

We love our annual summer trip to Park City. This year we went over the July 24th Weekend. We stayed at my parents time share and it was awesome. The boys love to get away on this little family vacation. The only thing we do is go to the main city park, (which Justin has dubbed the "Trackhoe Park" because there is a trackhoe in the sandbox) and eat.

The boys had so much fun playing at the park. Hunter loved the swings. Fisher liked the swings too but he just loved running up and down the little ramp on the big toy. Justin spent the majority of his time at the park climbing the "spider web". It was a lot of fun.

One night we did go swimming. The funniest thing happened when we were swimming. We finally get all 5 of us in the pool. Justin has his life jacket on, Tyler has Fisher and I have Hunter. We just get in the pool and get used to the water when Justin says, "I gotta pee." Really? The problem with this is that it is not that easy for one adult to have 2 babies in the pool while the other adult takes Justin to the bathroom. This is how it went...

Justin: "I gotta pee."
Tyler: "Can you hold it?"
Justin: "No, Dad."
Tyler: "Justin, just this once you can pee in the pool." I was shocked! Tyler never would allow it! I began laughing when Justin replied.
Justin: "I don't want to pee in the pool Dad."
Tyler: "Justin it's ok."
Justin: (talking very loud this time) "I don't want to pee in the pool."
Hillary: "Justin, its ok if you are in Park City." I couldn't believe I was even saying this but thinking of what a pain it was going to be to get all 5 of us back out for a bathroom run.
Justin: "I don't want to pee in the pool."
Tyler: "Ok, lets go to the bathroom."

So we finally gave in and were as proud as ever at our 4-year-old who was doing the right thing. It ended up being just fine. I took both babies in the water and Tyler took Justin to the bathroom (very quickly) and all was well. We laughed so hard because Justin just kept talking louder and louder and we were giggling between trying to explain to him any justification that it was ok to pee in the pool. Thanks Justin for putting us on the right track!

I didn't get very good pictures of the condo but it was nice and roomy.

Justin played with his Hot Wheels Race Track when the twins took their naps. This one was the best: off the fire place, onto the table, off the table on to some pillows, on the floor to the jump, and landing in a laundry basket.

Hunter played so good. Tyler was playing with him when he noticed the plumber's crack. Hunter had crawled right out of his pants and almost his diaper!

Hunter played so good at the condo. He was happy and content with his toys.

Justin jumped right up on the bed the minute we got there and snuggled down with his blankets. It was so funny....he about got lots in the bed pillows!

There are no pictures of Fisher at the condo. I think this is becasue everything Fisher did it took my 2 hands to get him down and so I didnt have a hand to hold the camera in. Fisher climbed on EVERYTHING.

The follwing posts will be about the trackhoe park and the carosel and the alpine slide!