Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Kindergarten and the Bus

August 29, 2012.

Today was Justin's first day of riding the bus to and from Kindergarten.  He has been so excited to ride the bus (mom just had to take him to school on the first day). 

Fisher got his backpack and put it on so he could be just like Justin.  Here they are walking to the bus stop.

Dad didn't have to go into work until 11:00 so it was a special treat to have Dad walk to the bus with us. 

Here the kids are in the line for the bus.

Here Justin is getting ready to get on and he was waving goodbye.  He has the sound bag in his hand.

Fisher was so sad when Justin got on the bus.  He cried and cried.  He really thought he was going to school with Justin.  Poor little guy has lost his play buddy.

Justin said that he sat by Wyatt and Gwen going to school. Oh, and Will was right by him on the other side.
I am so proud of Justin for being so brave and riding the bus!

1 comment:

Racheal said...

Its so sad when they go to school. It's a happy sad. What cute pictures.