Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fisher Randomness

October 2012.

This post is all about Fisher. 

Fisher's first attempt at Potty training did not go as I expected.  He was all excited about wearing underware and throwing his diapers in the garbage.  That is where the excitement stoped.  Tyler and Justin went hunting so I thought it would be a perfect time to potty train.  Oh was I wrong.  It was pure torture on both our parts.  It was so sad, he was just lying on the couch with his blanket, pillow and his dinosuar crying and mopping.  It was supposed to be better than this by day 3!!  He was miserable.  I asked if he wanted his diaper and he perked right up.  I finally gave up and put a diaper on him.  He was so happy!

Here he is so happy.  These were the jammies I gave him after waking up dry the first morning.  He is smiling so big here because this is 2 days later and he had a diaper on.  The diaper is where that smile is coming from.
I just love that face.  A little michief mixed with innocence. 
This is him on his last day of Itt-Bitty-Ball. He was proud of his T-shirt.
Fisher's constant companion is a weapon.  His weapon of choice on most days is a sword. 
Fisher playing with the bean bucket in the kitchen. He likes to do this when Hunter is at school so that he cant bug him.
Fisher playing with the farm.  He loves the little fence that Uncle Shay made for us.
My smiley!  Love those white teeth!
Fisher is such an amazing little boy! He has been so patient with Justin and Hunter in school and all the running back and forth that we do.  Fisher has become my errand buddy and he is so good when we are out an about.  Fisher has a fun little personality and we just love him. 

1 comment:

Racheal said...

Those are fun posts. I don't know a lot about potty training, But I just stand Tanner up to the toilet every morning and I tell him to push and eventually he does it. He's getting faster now. He even wakes up dry sometimes. But every kid is different. Dan told Tanner if he poops in the toilet he gets a new truck. He's only gotten a truck once. Emy said when she potty trained Adeline it was hard and eventually she just gave up and waited until Adeline finally wanted to do it and it was easier.