Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hi, I'm Hunter

This is a little letter that I put together to send with Hunter to school.....

Hi. My name is Hunter and I am so excited to start pre-school.  Since I don’t talk much I thought I would write you a little something about myself. 

Class room

I love to be around other kids.  I like to do the same things they do.  I especially like to look at books and play with toys that make noise.   I can walk with a walker but it might be a little difficult for me to use it in the classroom because I will run into things and get stuck.  It’s ok if I have to crawl around until I get more familiar with things. 

I love to put my head on the ground and my bum in the air during play time.  This is normal.  Another thing I do is when I am sitting and get excited, I put my head back and shake it.  It looks like I am going to fall over but I won’t.

I have my own special way of engaging you in activities.  If I grab your finger and pull it towards me that means I want you to tickle my tummy. If I try grabbing both your hands I want you to play patty-cake hand-over-hand with me.  

 Snack Time

I really like snack time.  I’m a little messy so please be patient with me.  I love Cheetos and dry cereal but please don’t give me anything real chewy like a marshmallow or fruit snack because I will probably gag.  I like to have a drink with my snack but I have a hard time drinking from a cup so please get my sippy from my backpack. 

Outside Time

I LOVE to be outside.  I am sensitive to the sunlight so please put my sunglasses on me.  I love to swing but I require a bucket swing (AKA baby swing).  I don’t like slides so it’s a good idea to avoid those.  You’ll have to watch me close because I like to eat anything I can get my hands on and that includes the mulch in the play area.   I can use my walker outside but I am still working on my balance so please stay close to me so that I don’t fall and get hurt. 


I know I need a lot of therapy time and I am excited that I have many wonderful people to help me.  I want to learn everything that I can so please challenge me.  If I need to work on something at home, let my mom know, she will help me.  I feel like my goals are perfect for me so refer to those regularly so we can stay on track. 

 Breath holding episodes

Sometimes when I get hurt, I cry and hold my breath and will occasionally pass out.  Please just hold me close without shaking me and wait for me to catch my breath.  I don’t pass out every time but when I do I have zero energy. If I pass out lay me on the floor after I calm down and call my mom.  The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song is one of my favorites; it helps me calm down.  

 I am super excited to start pre-school.  My mom is a worry-wart so the more information you can give her the better.   Thanks for helping me learn! J

1 comment:

Racheal said...

That's awesome. It's like a little journal entry.