Fisher has learned that "big boys" eat at the bar and without a bib. He LOVES ketchup and he doesn't like his food to touch each other. He is stubborn.
Putting on Justin's bike helmet.
Outside with the hose. He loves water and being outside so this is a snapshot of his perfect world.
Otter pops are one of his staples. Loves them, especially when he is outside with the bigger kids.
The only indoor activity that distracts him from the outdoors is lining the cars up on the couch or in the windowsill. He really likes cars. Notice that the 2 Mater trucks are together, then all the blue cars, then the black cars and so on and they are facing the same direction. Does he get this particularness from his mom or his dad? That is a good question!
He watched Justin climb on the back of the couch so now he climbs on the back of the couch. He loves standing in the windowsills. I don't like it.
Fisher knows when he gets his shoes on he can go outside. He was so proud of hiself for getting Justin's shoes on him.
Justin and Fisher are good friends. Fisher just loves to eat breakfast at the bar with Justin. He will wear the bib as long as it looks like a dishtowel!
Fisher is my speedball but I love him very much. He has the cutest personality and never sits still for more than 30 seconds.
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