The boys had so much fun playing at the park. Hunter loved the swings. Fisher liked the swings too but he just loved running up and down the little ramp on the big toy. Justin spent the majority of his time at the park climbing the "spider web". It was a lot of fun.
One night we did go swimming. The funniest thing happened when we were swimming. We finally get all 5 of us in the pool. Justin has his life jacket on, Tyler has Fisher and I have Hunter. We just get in the pool and get used to the water when Justin says, "I gotta pee." Really? The problem with this is that it is not that easy for one adult to have 2 babies in the pool while the other adult takes Justin to the bathroom. This is how it went...
Justin: "I gotta pee."
Tyler: "Can you hold it?"
Justin: "No, Dad."
Tyler: "Justin, just this once you can pee in the pool." I was shocked! Tyler never would allow it! I began laughing when Justin replied.
Justin: "I don't want to pee in the pool Dad."
Tyler: "Justin it's ok."
Justin: (talking very loud this time) "I don't want to pee in the pool."
Hillary: "Justin, its ok if you are in Park City." I couldn't believe I was even saying this but thinking of what a pain it was going to be to get all 5 of us back out for a bathroom run.
Justin: "I don't want to pee in the pool."
Tyler: "Ok, lets go to the bathroom."
So we finally gave in and were as proud as ever at our 4-year-old who was doing the right thing. It ended up being just fine. I took both babies in the water and Tyler took Justin to the bathroom (very quickly) and all was well. We laughed so hard because Justin just kept talking louder and louder and we were giggling between trying to explain to him any justification that it was ok to pee in the pool. Thanks Justin for putting us on the right track!
I didn't get very good pictures of the condo but it was nice and roomy.
Justin played with his Hot Wheels Race Track when the twins took their naps. This one was the best: off the fire place, onto the table, off the table on to some pillows, on the floor to the jump, and landing in a laundry basket.
Hunter played so good. Tyler was playing with him when he noticed the plumber's crack. Hunter had crawled right out of his pants and almost his diaper!
Hunter played so good at the condo. He was happy and content with his toys.
Justin jumped right up on the bed the minute we got there and snuggled down with his blankets. It was so funny....he about got lots in the bed pillows!
There are no pictures of Fisher at the condo. I think this is becasue everything Fisher did it took my 2 hands to get him down and so I didnt have a hand to hold the camera in. Fisher climbed on EVERYTHING.
The follwing posts will be about the trackhoe park and the carosel and the alpine slide!
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