Hunter was really good. I put him in the umbrella striller and put him right down in the river with us. The umbrella worked awesome becuase it is made to clip on umbrella strollers. It helped him keep his eyes open out there in the blazing sun. Hunter ended up falling asleep and slept on a blanket under the beach umbrella.
Fisher loved the water. This was totally his thing.
Justin loves the splash pad. He had fun with the cousins.
Keegan loves the water coming out of the rocks.
Emmie and Hannah.
The "Little Boys" of my family minus Hunter. Justin, Fisher, Soren, Keegan and Jason. There are 6 little boys from Justin down in the Gerber family. That means 6 boys in 2 years! It is going to be crazy in a couple more years. I was bummered that Hunter was sleeping during this picture.
Will, Addy and Cole got to go to school today. We missed them too!
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