Friday, August 26, 2011

Why do we have to listen to them?

When we were driving up to Kennecott Copper Mine we drove by the Oquir Mountain Temple and the conversation in the car went like this.

Mom: "Look Justin, there's the temple."

Justin: "What's its name?"

Mom: "That's the Oquir Mountain Temple."

Justin: "Oh, Oquir Mountain Temple. Can I go in the temple?"

Mom: "Well, little kids can only see the outside of the temple. When you are 12 you can get a recommend from the Bishop and go inside to do Baptisms for the Dead."

Justin: "Oh. Why do you go to the temple, Mom?"

Mom: "Yeah, Dad, why do we go to the temple?"

Dad: "Because Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to go to the temple."

Justin: "Why do we have to listen to them?"

Mom and Dad both bust up laughing and try to hide it.

Dad: "Because Heavenly Father and Jesus know what we need to do to be happy."

Justin: "Fine." with a huff and clearly not satisfied with the answer.

Kennecott Copper Mine

In July we went to the Kennecott Copper Mine. It was HUGE! It was a fun family outing.

Birdhouse Construction

About a month ago on a Saturday morning Justin came in the house and asked his dad if they could build something. Tyler told him they could make a birdhouse. Justin was so excited. Justin helped with his very own tools. They still need to paint it. Justin just had to have his buddy Wyatt come over and look at it.

Thanks Dad for a fun building project!

Fisher and his trucks

Fisher LOVES trucks. He loves to drive them along everything. Today he was so cute with the tiny backhoe. He kept driving it along the green cloth and then he figured out that he can drive it over the "bumps" too. He tipped down my little sign and drove his backhoe over it 100 times. He was even making little noises.

Fisher is such a busy body that it was amazing to me that he was content with the backhoe for more than 30 seconds. Justin must have been outside because Fisher usually is fighting to get whatever Justin has. Fisher thinks he is as old as Justin.

Hunter Standing

Hunter can pull to stand at just about anything now. He is even starting to take a few side steps at the couch. He is doing awesome! These pictures are over the last month or so. This is huge for Hunter!

This last picture is my favorite. When I came out of the kitchen and saw this I got all teary-eyed. It makes me happy when Hunter can play alongside his brothers.

Slipn-n-Slide with the Cousins

Last month we had a cousin day at our house. The kids played on the slip-n-slide and in the sand. When we were all done outside the fun moved inside. The kids had bubble baths (4 boys together and then 3 girls together), once we were done with the bubble baths then everyone needed the bubbles rinsed off. So they all got in the shower, 4 boys and then the 3 girls. We had a lot of fun. Thanks to Grandma Sing for all the treats! Cole had baseball so he wasn't here.

Hunter hung out in the pack-n-play on the deck. Poor little guy; his eyes are so sensitive to the sun. He can barely open his eyes if he is not in the shade.







Addie, Emmie and Fisher


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Neighbor Friends

This summer has been a blast for Justin! We live in the best cul-de-sac and have some of the funnest neighbor friends. They love to play all day long. They ride bikes, play in the sand, jump on the tramp, play with sidewalk chalk, play slip-n-slide, run through the sprinkler. We cant forget to mention the snacks and picnics for lunch! Oh, and I have become the otter-pop queen. Its been fun to see Justin grow up with this new found independence!

Slip-n-Slide. Madi, Justin and Alexia.

Slip-n-Slide. Justin hasn't quite got the hang of sliding on his tummy.

Sidewalk chalk mixed with water = sidewalk paint! Justin, Wyatt, Gwen,Kierra, Madi and Jayden

Sidewalk paint. Fisher, Kierra, Madi, Jayden, Gwen, Wyatt, and Justin

Picnic for Lunch. Fisher, Kierra, Jayden and Justin. Fisher thinks he is one of the big kids!

What a fun Summer. I have got to get some pictures of the kids playing in the sandbox!


We have had so much fun this summer. The boys love to wrestle and play outside. That about sums it all up. Here are a few random pictures that I just love.

Hunter is getting so good at crawling that he sometimes crawls right out of his pants!

Justin and Hunter wrestling. Justin is so good to let Hunter wrestle him. Justin is the best big brother ever! Hunter is getting rougher each day.

Hunter and mom on the tramp. Hunter was concentrating on standing up with a little bounce. He really liked the tramp.

Fisher and Justin love to wrestle on the couch. They usually do this until one of them ends up hurt.

This never happens! Hunter feel asleep eating lunch.

I love my 3 boys and get a kick out of them.

Dance Fisher Dance

This is the cutest video of Fisher dancing. He is dancing to a musical Birthday card that Justin got from Grandma Sing and Grandpa Scott.

July 4th

ok, so what if I am almost 2 months behind but I want this post for the memories.

This year the 4th of July was spent right at home. We sat in our cul-de-sac and watched all the neighbors fireworks. The twins took late naps so it worked out great and they were able to stay up late.

Fisher had to be restrained and entertained with an otter-pop.

Hunter did great in the pack-n-play.

Justin wanted to run around with his friends but he did hang around long enough to catch this photo.

Justin loved the sparklers this year! What a fun 4th!

Fisher is a Daddy's Boy

Fisher is truely a Daddy's Boy. Anytime Tyler lays down or sits down Fisher climbs right on top of him. He gets so excited when Tyler comes home from work; he runs in a circle yelling "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy." Anytime we are in the van and Fisher sees a red truck he starts kicking his legs and wiggling his head saying "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy." I hope this never ends!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ophir 2011

Every July we go to Ophir for the Clark Family Reunion. It is always so much fun. We love going to Ophir because it is an awesome campground. There are plenty of individual campsites, a large grass section with a horseshoe pit, sand volleyball, a big toy and a huge sandbox (with a pavilion over it). All of this is inside of a large asphalt circle where the kids ride bikes all day. There is a large covered pavilion with about 20 picnic tables under it. There is flushing toilets and running water (cold water). The whole place is surrounded by a chain link fence which keeps the kids in. There is a creek that runs down Ophir Canyon but it is just on the outside of the fence. We let the kids play in the water and then close the gate and all is safe again.

Activities include: horseshoe tourney, tie dye shirts, singing around the campfire, smorse, riding bikes, bead bracelets, playing in the sand, water fight and of course non-stop eating! And I can't forget about the Triple F . . . Fabulous Family Fun! We love every minute of it. We look forward to going each and every year.

Here are a few snap shots:

Connie's boys: Jayden, Micheal, Trevor, Trent,and Troy

Justin riding his bike.

Mattix, Ceder & Justin...they couldn't wait for the fire.

Fisher found a new favorite snack.

Fisher and all the kids played so good in the sandbox.

Fisher loved the little slide.

Justin driving the big toy.

Fisher and Hunter ready for bed. Drinking their bottles and going for a walk.

Hunter eating. He loved the outdoors and he ate so good.

Justin loving the big trucks in the sand box.

Brody, Lee and Ali at the camp fire. We missed Megan and new baby Cael.

Fisher, Hunter, Justin and Dad at the camp fire.

Julie, Porter, and Norma. They missed last year cause Norma decided to make her appreance the first day of Ophir.

The boys on the merry-go-round.

Justin and Fisher on the teeter-totter.

Ray and Micheal.

Hunter and Fisher in the highchair. Any time Fisher started to fuss to get out Hunter would just laugh. It was pretty funny.

Mattix and Little Jeff.

Ray, Connie and Jack.

Can't wait for Ophir 2012!