Friday, May 9, 2008

We have made it 6 years!

Well, Tyler and I have officially made it to the 6 year mark! it is our anniversary tomorrow! Hip-Hip-Horay! Anyway, we are going to go to the Macaroni Grill (our favorite) to get dinner. Oooh a date with Justin at a baby-sitter! Yippee! and since it is a special occasion we are going to allow ourselves to throw the diet out the window for one night. I have decided that anything that is goopy or cheesy is what makes me fat and the Macaroni Grill only cooks goopy and cheesy. nonetheless I am excited - we have been looking forward to this for 2 months I think. If I remember I will get a picture of us (before we eat of course and gain 3 pounds each) and post it on here so you can see what we look like minus 70+ lbs!!

1 comment:

kelliemcc said...

Yahoooooo!! Way to go, I always knew you two could make it together!!! Eat an extra bite of dessert for me!