Tuesday, January 5, 2010

3 months

We have survived 3 months of twinfants. Nights are getting better. They are sleeping a little longer but mostly I think that we are just adjusting to little sleep.

Fisher weighs 12 lbs 12 oz. He likes the swing, tummy time, and is all smiles for anyone who will talk to him. He wont eat for Grandma Sing because she talks to him so much that all he does is smile; and you cant suck a bottle if you are smiling. Fisher is such a happy baby, especially if he is being held up to look around.

Hunter wighs 10 lbs 2 oz. He likes to be held at all times. He likes to snuggle down tight and loves it when I hold both of the boys together because Fisher sits ontop fo him a little bit. With Fisher on top it makes him super hot wich he really really likes. He is starting to like the swing. He got his first haircut last night!

Both boys have been sick since Christmas Day with congestion and coughs. Things are getting a little better.

Twins are a lot of fun! We love both of them.

Justin is such a big helper. He loves to hold the brothers and tell them good morning and good night! He puts binkies in mouths and takes diapers to the garbage. He gets burp rags from the other room and takes the dirty ones to the laundry room. He is so awesome. He is starting to learn his alphabet sounds and he is doing really well. His favorite thing to say is "Fish are friends not food." You got to love NEMO.


Racheal said...

Cute family. I am glad they are filling better and the whole family is having fun.

Natalie Bagley said...

Yeah!! You made it through the first 3 months - you can do anything now.