Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ear Tubes

Fisher and Hunter got ear tubes last Tuesday. It has been a constant ear infection at our house for the last 5 months for both boys. The 3 nights before the tubes were placed were almost unbearable. No sleep equals a really cranky mom and 3 sad little boys. Fisher is now sleeping through the night again and Hunter is trying to make it all night. We just hope that neither one of them fall into the 15% of kids who still get infections with tubes.

Mom and Hunter

Dad and Fisher

Fisher and Hunter - aren't the hosptial gowns so cute!


Emily said...

Those hospital gowns ARE cute! But it's still kind of sad to see little kids wearing them. Hope everything goes well with the tubes. (And it was so great to see you and the boys last month!)

Natalie Bagley said...

Good Luck!! Glad you're getting more sleep!