* Cartoons
* Fish crackers
* Preschool
* Going downstairs to play
* Playing train
* Teasing his brothers
* Chocolate milk
* Wrestling with Dad
* Mom putting him to bed
* Playing with "My friend, Wyatt."
* Going to Jason's house to play
* Going to Primary and being a Sunbeam
* Getting a drink during Sacrament Meeting all by himself.
* Going to Cub Scouts with Dad
Justin is talking in whole sentences. He thinks everything he eats is a vegetable. He loves his Grandpa Scott. Phases he says all the time: "My friend....", "Mom, watch me." "I not hungry." "I not ready to go to bed." "Mom, I'm coming." "I had a bath yesterday."
Justin loves to make forts in the TV room with Dad. This was the latest. That night his prayer went like this..."Father in Heaven, bless this day. Bless the toys not in the fort. Bless the fort will be there tomorrow. Bless us to sleep good. Amen"
An activity Justin really enjoys is painting rocks. He is so good at it and he will do this for hours!
Justin loves to go to Grandma Sing's and build houses with the Lincoln Logs. He does it up to the kitchen counter so that Fisher can't reach it. He sort of had a little help from Mom with this one.
Justin loves to eat breakfast watching cartoons. I let him because I feel so bad that the babies take so much of my attention in the morning.
Justin likes to snuggle on the couch every morning and watch cartoons. He likes to watch cartoons for about an hour before he eats breakfast. What a picky kid!
We love you Justo!