Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hunter's Kidney Check-up

During the first part of December, Hunter had a check-up on his kidney. Things haven't changed much. His kidney has good function but it is slow. This is good news in that his blockage hasn't gotten any worse. We will take him back in one year to check it again.

We took him in the stroller. It was much easier than packing the car seat around. He was so tuckered out after the procedure that he went right to sleep. This picture doesn't even come close to showing how cute he was in it.

The procedure that he had to have done required him to have these weights placed on him so that he wouldn't move. It was important for him to hold still in order for the die to be seen on the machine to monitor the kidney function.

Hunter cried a lot during the procedure. Once he calmed down he was fine as long as he could hold Dad's finger and watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Here he is watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He wouldn't stop crying until he heard the Hotdog song. He did great as long as he could see Mickey Mouse and the gang.

We thought Hunter did so good. This test is tough on Hunter and on Mom. Hunter is our tough little guy!

1 comment:

The Bell Family said...

Oh poor little guy he looks so sad. I totally understand what its like to have to go through that kind of stuff with your kids. It is hard!