Monday, May 16, 2011

Conversations are getting better

I had this conversation with Justin in the car on the way to Grandpa Scott's.

Justin: "Mom, why are there roads?"
Mom: "We have roads so that we can drive in the car and get to the places we want to go."
Justin: "But why?"
Mom: "If there weren't any roads how would we get to Grandpa's house?"
Justin: "We could drive on the grass."
Mom: "We would break all the sprinklers if we drove on the grass."
Justin: "Well, if they would just make the sidewalks bigger then we could drive on them."
Mom: "How would we make the sidewalks bigger?"
Justin: "With a double drum compactor."

I just smiled and laughed and thought his Grandpa Scott would be proud.


Racheal said...

That's cute. Kids always have the simplest answers

Natalie Bagley said...

Thanks for all the new posts - your family is adorable!!