Thursday, June 26, 2008

Nearly 100 lbs.

Well, it's time to update you on the diet. Yes, we are still on the diet. We are in the middle of our 4th month and together we have nearly lost 100 lbs. That's a whole junior high student. We have definately had our ups and downs but for the most part we still enjoy eating healthy - things we miss most? For me it is ice cream, thick shakes, Hogi Yogi Yogurt with score mixed in, ice cream, and cheesy potatoes, and did I mention ice cream. For Tyler I think it is movie theater butter microwave popcorn, pepsi, and cheese fries. Maybe one of these days we can slurge here and there. Sorry, I dont have a great picture of us....maybe next time.

1 comment:

Heather said...

let's see some skinny pictures! we are proud of you!