Thursday, March 18, 2010

A humbling day

Today we took Hunter to the Neurologist because we have been concerned about some development delays. The great news is that the doctor feels that Hunter is doing just fine. Because he was born 2 months premature his "corrected age" is actually only 3 1/2 months old. (5 1/2 months actual age minus the 2 months he missed). The Neurologist discovered that Hunter is actually right on track for his corrected age! That was such good news! He does have low-muscle tone but that is something that we can work with.

What a humbling experience it was as Tyler and I sat in the waiting room at the Neurology Clinic and watched other parents bring their children in. I was teary eyed as I watched many parents lovingly take care of their sweet children. I cried for a while once I got back to the car because I realized that I am so blessed. Blessed beyond measure!

Be thankful for your children and the sweet spirits they are! I love my 3 boys so much!


Emily said...

I felt the same way about Amelia. When you find out your baby is healthy--what a sigh of relief! It really is a blessing, especially when you see other babies who struggle after being born early. What great news that Hunter is right on track!

kelliemcc said...

What great news! We miss you guys and can't wait to come play next week!!

The Bell Family said...

I know that feeling. When Sophie was at Primary Childrens Hospital for two weeks. I felt sooooo blessed that her problems were not nearly as bad as some of the other kids I saw there. Glad to hear your little guy is doing good!

Gingerlylizzy said...

So glad that he is ok! It is probably more noticeable when you have twins and one moves at a faster pace then the other. We sure love you guys! What a beautiful bunch of boys...

Dulcie said...

Your little boys are so super cute. I'm glad that all is going well for you guys. I'm sure it's been a rough road though.

Jules said...

Hi Hillary it was great to see you and chat with you about twins! My blog is:

And my # is 801-768-0964!

Check for updates on the blog for the boys arrival. :)

Tavia said...

I can only imagine some of the things you saw while waiting. Yes, sometimes that is the way we are humbled. I'm also truly blessed to have a healthy child!