Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Life with 5 month old twins & a 3-year-old (almost)

The other day Justin and I painted a coat rack for his bedroom. I let him paint these two smaller boards just for fun. He had so much fun. Justin loves when we put Hunter and Fisher on his bed. He always wants us to go out of the room and leave the babies with him. The first thing Justin does is cover all three of them up with a blanket and then he reads them a story. It is very cute.

Fisher and Hunter like to sit in the bumbo chairs. I put this picture in becuase it is the only picture I have of Fisher crying and Hunter isnt!

Justin is a proud big brother. He loves Hunter and Fisher so much. He always talks about when they get bigger he can wrestle them. Although, he tries to wrestle them now if I go in the other room.

Hunter and Fisher. They are about 4 1/2 months old in this picture. Fisher looks like he is protecting his little brother.

The twins are now 5 months old. It is amazing to me how different each one is.
Fisher weighs 17 lbs 3 oz! He is our chicken leg gone tubba-tubba. He is the happiest baby I have ever seen. He has been sick and it is the cutest thing when he is sitting in the saucer and has boogers running to his lips and he is still smiling! Fisher loves to fall asleep sitting on my lap with his back to my tummy. He likes when I pat his tummy to calm him down. He likes to have his pants off but not his socks. He is starting to roll up on his side but has not quite made it over to his tummy. He doesnt have to learn to roll because Justin does it for him. We love our Fisher and are so thankful for his happy smile and the twinkle in his eye.
Hunter weighs 12 lbs 13 oz. He is our little guy. He is learning to roll. If we put him on his tummy he can roll up onto his side. He is starting to feel better with the medication we have him on for his tummy upset. He is now able to lay and play without much fussing. Hunter loves to fall asleep on my shoulder while I pat his bum. He loves to lay and kick with his pants and socks off. He loves the bath tub and is always so happy after bath time. We love our Hunter Baby and are so thankful that he is feeling better!
Justin weighs 34 lbs. He is such a big helper. He is starting to say so many funny things. Last night he told Tyler to go in the big hallway to momma's bathroom and get his bath toys. It was funny. Justin loves to read and has many of his books memorized. He is so smart. He loves to play just about anyting with Dad and he absolutely loves his Grandpa Scott.
We are doing well and we are happy. We feel so blessed to have 3 awesome little boys!


Emily said...

Fisher (I think that's right!) looks a lot like Tyler! They're both such cuties. How sweet that Justin reads them stories in bed! :)

Debbie said...

Hillary, I love these pictures, especially of the three boys together. What cuties you have!

Lindsey said...

You have such cute kids!!

Christiansen Family said...

Loved it!

Lisa said...

The picture of all three of them in Justin's bed is adorable! It is great that he is such a loving big brother.