Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Year in Review



Fisher & Hunter (first time I got to hold both at the same time)

The day we brought them home. This was the first time Justin met his little brothers.

Crazy sleepers - Fisher and Hunter

Blessing Day - Fisher and Hunter

Pals - Fisher watching out for little brother Hunter

Look at them legs - Skinny Hunter and Chubby Fisher

Stroller Buddies and they even like to hold hands. Fisher & Hunter

My camo boys. This is one of our favorite pictures right now. These are classic faces of both of them.

Thanks boys for a fun and adventurous 1st year! We love you!


Emily said...

So cute. I just love how different they are from each other!

kelliemcc said...

Oh, I had a little tear! They are so cute and I can't believe a year has gone by.