Monday, April 4, 2011

Fisher at 18 months

Fisher the Tornado is officially 18 months now. He is the best baby ever. He is into EVERYTHING! Fisher weighs 26 lbs 12 oz. He has 12 teeth and more coming in. He is very particular about what he eats and usually will only eat if he is feeding himself with no help from mom or dad.

Some of the things Fisher is doing right now:
*Climbing on everything...loves to climb on the chair to the kitchen sink.
*Loves bath time, especially with Justin in the big jetted tub.
*Must have his dinosaur to fall asleep.
*Words he can say are: shoes, dad, diggity-dog, Justin, thank you, bye, hi, pick-up, hello, uh-oh, no.
*Follows Justin around almost 100% of the time.
*Loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
*Wants to be outside all of the time.
*Runs to the door when someone knocks.
*Likes to eat snacks on the couch like brother Justin.
*After he drinks his bottle he takes it to the kitchen sink. Same with his snack bowl.
*Still plays in the toilet whenever the chance arises.
*Loves climbing the stairs.
*Sleeps all night if he doesnt soak through his diaper.

We love our Fisher!

Fisher eating by himself with a glass plate and fork. This is the only way he will eat french toast.

I sometimes have to contain the Tornado in the pack-n-play. This is him watching cartoons.

Fisher up to the counter on a chair. This time he is eating lunch. He thought he was so big!

1 comment:

Racheal said...

That picture in the pack and Play made me laugh.