Monday, April 4, 2011

Hunter at 18 months

Hunter is now officially 18 months old. He weighs 19 lbs 15 oz. He is our bite-size but brave little boy. He has 5 teeth and more coming in. He is our best little eater right now. He is still eating stage 3 baby foods and baby cereal. We are working on desensitizing his gag reflex. Hunter is now officially on whole milk, he prefers it with a little chocolate syrup in it.

Some of the things Hunter is doing right now:
*Loves getting out of the tub and getting wrapped in a towel.
*Loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
*Loves kisses from mom, dad, and grandma.
*He is starting to make mumbling sounds. We are working on the constant sounds.
*He loves to stand and hold your fingers.
*Loves his bum changed.
*Likes to crawl over to the toy box and reach for new toys.
*Loves going for car rides.
*Loves it when Justin pushes him in his Mickey Car.

Hunter is still working hard with physical and occupational therapists. Recently he mastered the army crawl, getting from his tummy to his bum and getting up on all fours. Right now we are working on getting into tall knees, crawling (with lots of help from mom and dad), putting small snacks into his own mouth, and sleeping through the night.

We love you Hunter! We are so proud of all the hard work you do to reach all the little milestones.

Our little sunglass stud. Hunter has a light sensivity when we go out in the sun so he wears sunglasses.

Justin likes to push Hunter in the Mickey Car. They can get going pretty fast.

Hunter in the saucer. A little grouchy it looks like.

Hunter is working on getting into tall knees. I put a toy just out of his reach and it motivates him to get up on his keens. He loves Noah's Ark from the Little People set.

1 comment:

Racheal said...

It sounds like he is doing great. You have such cute kids