Saturday, November 26, 2011

Gerber Pumpkin Chuckin' Party

On October 22nd, the Gerber family had a Halloween Party.  It was the 1st Annual Pumpkin Chucking Party!  It was so fun.  My brother-in-law, John, made a contraption that would through pumpkins and other small squash.  The acorn squash were the best.  They really sailed through the air.  The kids loved it.  Tyler missed the party because he was in Las Vegas on a work trip.  We missed you Tyler!

Here is Justin with Grandpa Scott and the Pumpkin Chucker.

 Justin loved this!  He had a lot of fun!

The little kids wanted to be out in the field to watch them hit the graound.  Brandan stayed out with them to keep them at a distance so they didn't get nailed with a squash!

After the pumpkin chucking we ate dinner adn then frosted sugar cookies. 

Fisher loved "frosting" his cookie.....or should I say eating the frosting!

Justin and Keegan have become quiet the little buddies. 

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