Saturday, November 19, 2011

Twins and the Dentist

On October 10th I was brave.  I took the twins to the dentist.  This was their first experience at the dentist.  I took Justin a few weeks earlier and was told that it was a good idea to bring in children before they turn 2 years old.  So I signed myself up.  It wasn't too bad.

Fisher did great. he opened his mouth and let Dr. Tew look in.  His teeth are healthy.  I should expect 2-year-old molars next.

Hunter did not like this experience at all. I don' think it had anything to do with Dr. Tew but that he just doesn't like unfamiliar places and strangers poking and prodding him.  His teeth looked good.  He has a little decay behind his top teeth.  I just need to brush with fluoride toothpaste to give him some additional protection.  His teeth are coming in slow but they look like they are coming.  So just be patient and wait.

Because I was by myself with the twins and had Justin too I was not able to get any pictures of them in the actual chair.  This is them in the waiting area.  Fisher looks thrilled doesn't he.

Justin did so good. He listened and stayed right by me the whole time. 

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