Thursday, September 20, 2012

The funny things 5-year-olds say

September 2012.

Oh the funny things that 5-year-olds say.  Here are some funny things that Justin has said in the last little while.

Justin at the dinner table: "I don't like peaches."
Mom: "I know.  I didn't give you very many so you just have to taste one."
Justin: "I'll start eating peaches when you start acting like a grown up."
Mom: "Oh, ya."
Justin: "That means I'll never eat peaches."

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  Loved his reasoning!

Mom: "Justin, you haven't been listening very good the last couple of days.  How come?"
Justin: "My heart feels bad."
Mom: "It does?"
Justin: "When my heart feels bad I make bad decisions."
Mom: "Well, lets say a little prayer that your heart will feel good so you can make good decisions."
Justin: "No, that would take 2 days to work.  If I just change my heart to good then I can make good decisions after one day."
Mom: "Oh."
Justin: "Yeah. So I will start listening to you tomorrow."

HAHA what a crack up!

Justin: "Fisher, you can't go deer hunting with dad."
Fisher:  whine and cry
Justin: "You have to be potty trained."

I think he was just rubbing it in that he got to go with Dad all by himself.

Justin: "Mom, Dad, I have a brilliant idea. I know how we can get Hunter to walk without his walker tomorrow."
Dad: "You do?"
Justin: "Let's just say a prayer that Hunter can walk without his walker and Heavenly Father will help him."

What a precious little boy with faith that has no bounderies.  I just love him to pieces.

Justin to the girl cutting his hair: "So if you are a hair cutter, who cuts your hair?"

Justin: "Mom, why can't the kindergarteners play with the graders at recess?"
Mom: "Justin, that is a good question.  I dont know the answer so we better ask Dad."

The graders?  Haha.  I told him he would have to ask Tyler so that Tyler could hear how cute it was when Justin said "the graders"!!

1 comment:

Racheal said...

SO cute. I love it when kids say funny things.