Friday, October 19, 2012

More from Justin

October 2012.

A couple more funny things Justin has said that I didnt want to miss.


Justin: "Sometimes when I test Fisher's skills to see if he can protect himself from his friends, he pushes me down."

What a dork :).  I just love that kid.


Justin, from the other room: "Mom, get me a drink." 
Mom: "I will when I am done feeding Hunter."
Justin: "Mom, I said get me a drink. Right now or you're fired."
Mom: "Ok. Do you even know what fired means?"
Justin: "No."
Mom: "It means that I wont be the mom anymore."
Justin: "Ok. I was just kidding."

Some days it would be nice to be fired..... no laundry, no dishes, no poopy bums...........


At the doctor's office because Fisher and Hunter were sick.  The doctor was examining Hunter's ears.

Hunter: Whine and cry because the doctor is looking in his ear.
Justin, politely placing his had on the doctor's forearm:  "That is bothering him. When you are bothering him and he is crying you're supposed to stop it."
Doctor: "I am almost done."
Justin: very serious and with a hint of protectiveness in his voice, "You're bothering him." 

Oh! What an amazing brother Justin is.  He was truely concerned for Hunter and was trying to protect him.


Justin was in bed trying to go to sleep and this is how it went,

Justin: "MOM!"
Mom: walking into his room, "what's a matter bud?"
Justin: "I can't stop thinking about Octanauts."
Mom: "You can't!  I will go get you a drink and will be right back."

Tyler just got home from work so I sent him in with a drink and to help poor Justin out.

Tyler: going into his room, "You're thinking of Octanauts huh?"
Justin: "No, I'm not but my brain is and it is totally wierdin' me out."

Haha... what a crack up.  He gets his terrible sleep habbits from his Dad.  Tyler just lays awake at night just thinking things over and over and over.  Neither one of them can fall asleep very easily.  Nothing like mom...I usually can fall asleep during prayer.


Racheal said...

That's funny.

Emily said...

It's totally weirding me out! That's awesome.