Saturday, June 1, 2013

Water and Pizza!!

February 25, 2013.
Everyday me and Fisher go and pick up Hunter from school.  We come home and have about 20 minutes until we go and get Justin at the bus stop.  Hunter usually eats lunch in those 20 minutes and Fisher sometimes eats with him.  This day was a lunch date with my little boys.
Fisher is drinking WATER!!!  What?!?!  I had to get a picture of this because I might never witness it again!
Ah, he liked it!
Hunter ate pizza!! The only solid food that he can eat is cherrios, fruit loops, Cheetos, a Swiss roll and now PIZZA! He is an all American boy!

Hunter knew he was being big eating from a metal fork.  He did awesome with the pizza and he knew it!

This was my post on Facebook about the Pizza:
"To some of you this might mean nothing, to some of you it might mean a little, but to me it means the world. I have a lot to be thankful for and today it was dinner. Tonight Hunter had his 1st meal with zero purees!!! He ate a pancake!! He chewed it up and swallowed it with not once did he try to spit it out!! I am so happy! I shed tears of PURE joy! I was on cloud 9! Then before bed Hunter surprised us again and put a silver lining around that cloud when he initiated backward movement on the stairs. He went down about 6 stairs with very minimal assistance!! WOOT WOOT!! for Hunter... What an AMAZING day!"

I love my twinners!

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