Monday, July 20, 2009

Relief Society

I was officially released from the Relief Society Presidency yesterday. I have served as the Enrichment Counselor for the last 2 1/2 years in my ward. I have learned so much. Yesterday was a bitter sweet day for me. I knew that the release was coming but didn't know when. I will miss the opportunities I had being in the presidency. My favorite part was the visits that we did each week. I loved visiting sisters in their home and getting to know them a little. I think that I will have the hardest time with letting go. I will miss my dear sweet friends, Chris, Deanne and Sundee at our weekly meetings (and I have been missing Marci for the last couple of months already!!)

I know that my calling now is to get these two little babies here and be the best mom that I can be.

So to all of you sisters in my ward, please help me adjust to this change!


Lindsey said...

I think you can sleep easy at night knowing you REALLY magnified your calling. You were so good at it! I'm sad to see you get released, but hey, now you can sit next to me in RS! :)
Your testimony was so sweet - my favorite part was how you said you were going to miss making everyone's business your business. I forget exactly how you worded it but it cracked me up.
Love ya!!

Brandan & Haylie said...

You'll always know how your calling helped you but I'm pretty sure that there are sisters out there that were helped in some way by you that you aren't aware of. For me, I think those are some of the greatest blessings that come with serving faithfully in the calling that you've be given.

Now on to the great adventure of twins...not to mention having 3 boys under the age of 3!!!

marci said...

Change is hard... I had a super hard time being released! I agree with Lindsey- you TOTALLY magnified your calling and I learned so much from working with you!

I'm glad we got to serve together and become friends. You are amazing!

Emily said...

I love calling changes! Gives you a chance to try new things, serve different groups of people, and sometimes it's nice to just take a break. (Although it is hard going from being super busy to not knowing what to do come Sunday morning.) :) Sounds like you were an awesome in the RS!