Wednesday, September 23, 2009

32 Weeks and counting

We have officially made it to the 32 week mark today!! What a milestone for us. I went to the doctor today. Things are going well. I appear to be healthy and my blood pressure remains good!! No word of bedrest as of yet. I just need to keep up what I have been doing....taking it easy!

We did our first NST (non-stress test) on the babies today. The reason for the NST is because I am 32 weeks pregnant with twins and my doctor just likes to start monitoring movement, heatbeats and contractions at this stage in the game. The NST went well. It took a little bit of time to find both of the babies heartbeats and keep them on the monitor for the same 20 minutes. Thanks to Tyler (who happens to always be my best nurse) we were able to keep the monitor on Baby "A" for 20 minutes. Baby A tends to be a little more spontaneous than our Steady Eddy Baby "B".

Next week we do an ultrasound to determine weight, size, position, etc. I am hoping for 5 pounders!! If you were to take one look at my belly you would say that that was possible!! haha

Thank you to all who have been so much help with Justin. There are several of you out there that have been lifesavers!! THANK YOU!


Lindsey said...

I am SO happy things went well at your appointment! You are doing SO great and you look amazing!

kelliemcc said...

So glad things are still going well! I think I like the name Steady Eddy, short for Edward I presume?!?

Stephanie said...

Congratulations!!!! 32 weeks that's great!!! I made it 33.5 with Steven and Luke and they weighed in at 5.1 each!!!!! Kyle and Jack were 34 weekers and weighed in at 5.4 and 5.12. So 5 pounders are in your future for sure!!! THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!! So excited for you and your growing family of boys!!!! : ) xoxo

Racheal said...

Counting down the days - Yeah it's very exciting.

Gingerlylizzy said...

So glad to hear that everything is going well! I miss seeing you every Sunday. I am getting ready for those babies and keeping my eye out for cute props :) CAN'T WAIT!!!