Thursday, September 2, 2010

Encouragement from a 3-year-old

This is what transpired a couple days ago....

I was putting the twins down for naps. Fisher was in his bed almost asleep so I started with Hunter. I held Hunter for 30 minutes trying to rock him to sleep. He will only go to sleep if he is held. So after 30 minutes or rocking and no luck I thought I would try just laying him in his bed to go to sleep on his own. After a couple of minutes he started to cry which woke Fisher up after a few minutes. I thought I would let them both cry and see what happened. Well, in about 2 minutes Justin was in their room and in Fisher's crib. I got Justin out of there all the while trying to keep my patience and closed the door on 2 crying babies. After a few minutes Fisher stopped; I figured he went back to sleep. I started looking around wondering were Justin was.... on the toilet trying to do his own paperwork (he wont call for me when he is done). So I was trying to get him taken care of, Hunter is still screaming and has only held his breath once, and Fisher is back to crying. I go in the twin's bedroom to find that Fisher had pooped up his back. So I changed him and Hunter is still crying. I take Fisher out cause I figure he is done with his nap. A few minutes later I go in to check on the crying Hunter to find that he has thrown up. It was all over his clothes, in his helmet and all over his bed. So I get him out and clean him up and change his clothes. I hold him for 15 minutes and he finally goes to sleep.

I called Tyler in tears for words of encouragement. Justin saw that I was crying and this is how our conversation went:

Justin: "Mommy, you're not sad."
Mom: "No, I am not sad. I am just frustrated. Hunter wants me to hold him all day and I can't just hold him all of the time."
Justin: "I will hold him all day in the rocking chair by myself. I will hold him and then put him in his bed when he falls asleep all by myself."

Justin brought a smile to my face. He is so willing to help me and sometimes I just get to frustrated with life to notice. I was happy the rest of the day!! Thanks Justin.


Natalie Bagley said...

So cute!! It is hard to not get so busy with the little ones, that the bigger ones get pushed to the side! You are an awesome mom!

kelliemcc said...

Oh Hill, what a day! I am ready to come back out and "play", tell me your schedule and we can figure something out!

Jules said...

Oh this totally made me bawl. So, so sweet. I have to tell myself every day that life is a thousand little moments and when people ask me how I do it with twins I say; "an hour at a time" I'm sure that's how all mom's feel though. :)