Monday, April 2, 2012

Hunter's Therapy

These pictures and post is from February 11, 2012.

Hunter is still very invovled with physical therapy.  He works with two physical therapists.  One is with Kids on the Move and the other is a therapist with Orem Pediatric Rehab.  He is working on balance and walking. 

Here he is with his reverse walker.  This walker follows behind him rather than pushing infront of him.  This helps with better posture for walking.  He has been doing so well with it.  For the longest time Hunter would just cry and cry when I would try to get him to hold on to the walker.  All of a sudden one day he decided it wasnt so bad and held on and stood there.  He didnt walk that day but it was an improvement and over the next few days he warmed up to walking with it.  As part of his therapy, Hunter laps our kitchen and TV room a couple times.  He does this a couple times a day.  This distance is hard work for him.  Here he is coming out of the kitchen and into the TV room. 

To work on balance Hunter stands against a flat surface with his shoes on.  You cant see me in the picture but I am only about 2 feet away from Hunter.  The shoes give him a broader base to balance and the flat surface or the wall give him support and doesn't allow him to bend forward and stick his bum out. He can stand here for several 3-5 seconds before he reaches for mom. 

The goal is to get him to stand there and to take a step rather than fall forward when he wants to move.  This also helps with his confidence to stand independently.  In the picture below, he is falling forward to get to me.  You can see my foot there in the bottom of the photo; I am sitting on a chair in front of him.

Hunter is doing well.  He is not quite 2 1/2 in these photos.  This was a good therapy day!

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