Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Justin and his glasses

On February 16, 2012, Justin got glasses.  That was a Thursday.  On Sunday Fisher brought Justin's glasses to Tyler in 2 pieces.  Yes, our first pair of glasses lasted about 4 days!  We are still on the second pair after almost 2 months! 

At Justin's 4 year old check up the doctor suggested I take him to the eye doctor in 6 months or so because he thought his left eye turned in just a little bit.  So when i registered him for Kindergarten I thought it was a good time to take him in. 

Justin did great at his examination.  He did just what the office girls told him to do and he talked their ears off. They couldn't believe that he is only 4 years old.  He sat in the chair supper still for the doctor and answered all of his questions. 

The eye doctor asked me if Justin had complained about not being able to see.  I told him no and that I didn't think he had any problems and we were just coming on our pediatricians recommendation.  The doctor said, "Well, he actually sees pretty terrible." 

So we picked out these glasses that day.  Dad wanted to come and see the selection too so we went back a few days later. Justin picked out the very same glasses the second time so we knew they were the winners.   

The best part about these glasses are the transitional lenses.  They turn into sunglasses outside.  They are pretty cool.  We are so glad we upgraded to that feature!

He has been so responsible with them.  The rules are: only take your glasses off when wrestling or jumping on the tramp and friends or cousins can not try them on. 

Way to go Justin!

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