Saturday, November 23, 2013

Jusitn Swim Lessons Round 1

June 19, 2013.

Swim lessons this summer were June 18-28th.  They were Tuesday-Friday for 2 weeks for 30 minutes each time.  This year Justin joined a class at the Turner's pool (Heather's mom and dad).  This is Justin's 2nd summer taking lessons.

My boys really like the water so swimming lessons are an absolute must; especially with all the time we spend in Grandma and Grandpa's pool. 

Justin did really well this round.  He remembered a lot from last year and got better with every day in the water.  It took a few days for Justin to figure out how to put his face in the water with out plugging his nose and how to get past water being in his eyes.  The googles helped ALOT.  On the first day Justin would swim from teacher Lezlie in the middle of the pool back to the step. 

Once the kids got good at swimming from the middle to the step she started teaching them to jump in, start swimming, and swim to the other side of the pool. Here is Justin getting ready to jump in.

 Start swimming....

Keep swimming.....

And then back the other way.... to the steps.....

 Justin was so proud of himself each and every time he reached the steps. 

Justin did so well at swim lessons.  He gained a lot of confidence while being in the water.  He did so well we signed up for Round #2 in August.  Round #2 Fisher gets to join the fun!

Thanks Heather for letting us join the fun!

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