Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Twins' Arrival Story

Sorry this post is a little long in coming but we have been busy to say the least. So everyone wants to know what here is their arrival story.

On September 29th I went to my 33 week perinatology ultrasound. Everything checked out except that baby A had small amounts of amniotic fluid around him. The doctor ordered a non-stress test (NST) to check how the babies were doing. After a 2-hour NST (don't ask why it took so long) we discovered I was having contractions every 7 minutes. The doctor sent me over to Labor and Delivery to check if I was dilating. I was dilated to a 4 and by this time my contractions were about every 4 minutes. They gave me a shot to stop the contractions and they only slowed down a bit. They gave me 2 more shots to see if the contractions would stop with no success. They decided that I better have the steroid shot to develop the babies lungs just in case the contractions didn't stop. At that point, they gave me an oral medication that is a little longer lasting to try to stop the contractions. By now I was dilated to a 4+ and 70% efaced. The doctor decided to transport me to a different hospital "just in case". He kept saying "just in case" over and over again so I didn't realize how close to delivery I actually was. The doctor told me that I would probably get to the next hospital (sorry I don't want to list the specific hospital) and they would stabilize my contractions and I would probably stay there a couple days and then go home on bed rest and try to get another week.

Tyler was a work all this time and kept asking me if he needed to come to the hospital and I kept saying no. By about the time they decided to transport I called Tyler and told him he better come to the hospital. But I told him to pick up Justin from Grandma's and bring him too. Not very good thinking on my part.

I was transported in an ambulance! Hopefully that is my first and last experience in an ambulance. When I got to the next hospital it was about 5:15 pm and my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and I was dilated to a 5 and 90% efaced. The on-call doctor called and talked to me over the phone and told me that he was hoping to get me 10 more hours so that I could get the second part of the lung shot. It is a 2-part shot given 24-hours apart. But he said, "I don't think you are going to make it 10 hours. I believe you will deliver in 4-5 hours." I was shocked. I seriously thought that I was going home in a couple days and we would possibly have babies the next week. So then I remembered that Tyler was coming with Justin. Boy, I wasn't thinking very straight when I told Tyler to bring Justin. That is about when Tyler got to the hospital. It was 5:45 pm when Tyler got there. So he called his mom and told her to come and get Justin. Justin was pretty scared when he saw me crying and hooked up to all these wires.

By 6:15 I had an epidural. After an ultrasound to see the babies positioning the doctor decided that we would do a C-section because baby B was breech. We waited a few minutes for my Dad to get there and Tyler and my Dad gave me a quick blessing and I was off to the OR. It was pretty quick. Baby A was born at 7:21 pm and Baby B at 7:23 pm. So I arrived at the hospital at 5:15 pm, Tyler showed up at 5:45 pm, and we had babies by 7:30 pm. And Justin was at the hospital for all of it. I was a little worried during the C-section about my rambunctious 2-year old running the hallways of the hospital with Grandpa Scott.

It was a whirlwind day. I still am amazed that I was in such denial about having babies that day that I had Tyler bring Justin too! I guess I can blame it on pregnant brain times 2!

All in all, I cant complain how things went. I was officially 32 weeks and 6 days.
Fisher or Baby A: 4 lbs 7 oz and 19 inches long born at 7:21 pm
Hunter or Baby B: 4 lbs 9 oz and 18.5 inches long born at 7:23 pm


Lindsey said...

SO glad that they are here safe and sound! You are a trooper Hillary!

kelliemcc said...

What an exciting day, to say the least! You'll be so glad you wrote this all down, because your memory will only get worse with each child. Or maybe that's just me!

Emily said...

What a story! Lucky you had an appointment that day. Hang in there--preemies can be emotionally exhausting, and you have two of them! With Amelia, I felt pulled between her at the hospital and Mark at home. But I realized she won't remember I wasn't with her every minute. I tried to be there as much as I could to hold and feed her, but Mark really needed me more. And NICU nurses are great! They love those babies so much! So if you can't be there as often as you'd like, don't feel bad. It's tough--but pretty soon those two little boys will be running around wrecking the place with their older brother scrambling after to clean it all up! :) Lots of love to you!

Nate & Brianne said...

Congrats Hillary! They are just so cute and have such cute names too. Hope you and the boys are doing well.

Abs and Me said...

Definite CONGRATS!!! What a story indeed! I'm glad everything worked out for you and that all five of you are well!