Friday, July 9, 2010

Fisher at 9 months

What a happy guy! Fisher is such a social baby. He wants to be entertained by anyone who will give him the attention. He wants to be in the middle of whatever is going on. He LOVES Justin. He watches him constantly. It is almost impossible to feed Fisher if Justin is in the same room.

Fisher weighs 22 lbs 2 oz and is 28 1/2 inches. He is our tubba-tubba.

Fisher loves to sleep on his tummy with his blanket under his arm and the corner of it in his mouth. He always sits Indian-style unless he is bumb-scooting. He can get himself around quite well for not being able to crawl yet. He likes to pull himself up to the edge of his crib. He is an awesome sleeper; I just feed him and then lay him in his bed. He eats pretty well but he thinks he is ready for our food and wants little to do with baby food. He can hold his own bottle which is a big help. He does not like to wear hats or sunglasses; and Justin likes to tease him by putting them on him.

This is Fisher on his first swing ride. He loved it. I wish the park by us had baby swings. I guess I will just have to go to a different park.

Oh, and Tyler decided to feed Fisher an ice cream bar. Of course Fisher LOVED it.
We love you Fisher!

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