Thursday, July 8, 2010

Justin as a 3 year-old

On June 26th Justin turned 3. He is one smart 3 year old. He loves to play with friends, cousins and Grandpa Scott. He is into basketball, race cars, four-wheelers, and wrestling. He is an awesome big brother and loves Fisher and Hunter.

Here is a picture of Justin building a tower with Grandpa Scott. Justin just loves Grandpa Scott's race car. The other day my dad got it out and took him for a little ride.

Justin has all of a sudden turned into a climber. This is at the park in Park City.

Justin likes to help mom feed the babies. Here he is feeding Hunter and watching TV at the same time. He still needs a little help from mom to feed the brothers.

Fisher just loves Justin. He and Justin are little buddies.

Here are some of the classic things that Justin says:

"I not big anymore."
"Fisher wants to do it by Fisher's self."
"Fisher wants to wrestle me."
"Dad, lets go downstairs and wrestle."
"Fisher/Hunter said butt....hahahaha."
"Mom, get back here right now."
"I not going to town."
"Mom, go to your room and sit on your bed."
"Horses on Justin's side." (while riding in the van)
"Be happy, Be Safe."
We love you Justin and are so proud of you.

1 comment:

Racheal said...

How cute. I love the part where he tells you to go to your room and sit on your bed. ;)