Thursday, November 8, 2012


October 31, 2012.

After all of the Halloween Parades, going to Tyler's work, and Grandpa Clark's and Grandm Nancy's we rushed home for dinner.  Then we were able to go trick-or-treating.  We were sad that Tyler had to work tonight.

Here we are as the Toy Story Team. Mom as Mrs. Potato Head, Fisher as Woody, Justin as the army guy, and Hunter as Buzz Lightyear.  Tyler was Andy (he didnt dress up but figured he could pass as Andy).
Doug and Wyatt dress up at Mario and Luigi.
Maggie and Gwen. 
Maddi as twister.
Trick -or-Treating this year was Fisher's real first year.  He had so much fun trying to keep up with Justin and his friends.  He did pretty good.  We only had to skip every third house for him to close the gap.  It was so much fun.
Here they are at the Recksick's house.  Fisher, Justin, Wyatt and Stephen stayed together most of the night.
Hunter had lots of fun going door-to-door too.  He got some candy in his little trunk.
After going around our neighborhood we went to the Grandma Sing's and Grandpa Scott's.  Tyler met us here from work.  We missed some of the cousins but some were still there. 
My cute mom and dad dressed up too.  The kids think it is sooo cool.
Buzz, AKA Hunter, was so cute looking at the books. Tyler just loves this picture.

Our last stop was at Grandma Clark's.  It was fun to end our night with Grandma.  We got into our jammies and played a while then we went home.  All in all, we had a fun Halloween this year. 

1 comment:

Racheal said...

So cute. I love the costumes. It's awesome that Scott and Signe dressed up too.