Wednesday, November 11, 2009

6 weeks

Yesterday the twins hit 6 weeks old. I can hardly believe it. We got a weight on them on monday. Fisher surpassed Hunter and now weighs 8 lbs! Hunter weighed in at 7-10!
Fisher started at 4-7 and Hunter started at 4-9. They are getting close to double their original size!

They are growing!


Stephanie said...

so good to see that they are growing and getting bigger and bigger!!! Just in case--not that I'm a pro by any means but I have had a bit of twin experience and if you ever have questions---How to get them to sleep at night?? how do I produce more milk?? Should I just let the other sleep or do I wake him and feed him too? He sleeps so good during the day how can I get him to sleep better at night??? I do have some tricks up my sleeves----please call me!!! I been there and most likely have done it!!!

Lindsey said...

They are so so so cute you guys. I can't believe they are already 6 weeks old!