Thursday, November 5, 2009

The good and the bad

There are the good nights and then there are the bad nights. Last night was a good night. I woke up at 1:00 am, had both babies fed and back in bead by 2:15 am and then was up at 5:00 am to feed again. Tyler helped on the 5:00 feeding so I got back in bed at 5:30 and slept till 8:00 am. That was the best night yet.

Then there are the bad nights. The night before last was the worst. I went to bed at 11:30 pm and got up at 12:30 am for feeding #1. I didn't crawl back into bed until 5:30 am. Yes, that is 5 hours that we were up in one stretch. All 3 kids were up at the same time. 4 of us were crying - Justin, Fisher, Hunter and mom. And once I got to bed at 5:30 I was back up to feed again at 7:00 am. I remember doing 2 feedings without any sleep in between. I am not quite sure what happened other than it was complete madness.

It is a good thing that we had a good night last night. I am hoping for a similar good night tonight. We will find out soon enough as it is 9:00 pm and I am going to try to get Justin down!

Night times are definitely the hardest thing with the twins.

By the way, Fisher weighs 7-3 and Hunter 7-4! They are growing!


kelliemcc said...

Oh Hill, bless your heart! I love reading your posts. Quite the little chubber babies you got now. If you think Justin would come to my house, I would be more than happy to take him, let me know!

Tavia said...

You're incredible...and they are thriving! So good to hear they are healthy and gaining. Take a nap when you can, and I'm praying you have more of the good nights.