Saturday, November 21, 2009

The happenings

Everyone keeps telling me its time to post some more pictures. So here are some random snap shots.

Fisher: I figure he is close to 9 1/2 lbs now. He is putting on the chubbies everywhere! You should see his legs. He is my low maintenance baby. He eats well (fast) and sleeps pretty good. He is drinking 5 oz, wearing 0-3 months clothes, and size 1 diapers.

Hunter: This is the high-maintenance babe. He likes to be held ALOT; which isn't so bad except I feel bad that I have to split holding time amongst 2 babies and a toddler. Hunter drinks 4 oz, wears newborn clothes, and newborn diapers. He is about 8 1/2 lbs now. Someone asked if his hair just stands up like that on its own and yes, it does it on its own. There is nothing that keeps it down! We love our "Hunter Baby"

One morning I checked on them to find that they had wiggled some in the night. Usually their heads are by their binkies.

Justin loves to play on the blanket with them. This night he got a truck for each one of them. Justin is so excited for the time that they can actually play with him. Oh, check out the Big Brother pj's that Justin is so proud of.

Justin loves Tummy Time. He especially loves when we go "down dares" (downstairs) when Dad gets home for tummy time. We turn on the fire place and just relax as a family.

Justin periodically asks to hold one of the brothers. It never last very long but we always try to give him the chance. Here he is with Hunter right before bedtime snacks.

I took Hunter to Primary Children's Hospital on Thursday for some testing on his kidney. It still has extra fluid in it. We meet with the doctor on Monday to see what we need to have done to fix it. In this picture they are putting some radioactive medicine in through an IV to determine the function of his kidneys. The left kidney appears to be draining and functioning properly but the right kidney does not drain the fluid. They call this hydronephrosis. Hunter was a champ and did so good for all of his testing!
Back when they were drinking 2 1/2 oz we pre-made all their bottles for the day. This is what our fridge looked like. We labeld the tops with F1, F2, F3..... (for Fisher) and H1, H2, H3.... (for Hunter) so we kept things in order. At this point in the game they were both taking different formulas and we were mixing different amounts of breast milk in for each one. Now we are on the same formula and zero breastmilk!! No more pumping!!!
We love our Justin. He has been so patient with the changes in our family! He has been an AWESOME big brother.


Natalie Bagley said...

Thanks for the update. All three of your boys are so cute!

Emily said...

They're so cute! And it looks like tummy time is working. Hunter's sure holding his head up well! (Amelia at that age was still laying around like a lump.) Hope there's good news with the kidney. Have a nice Thanksgiving!

Tavia said...

Wow! I'm so glad to see that you're all adjusting well. I'm a firm believer in "tummy time". I like that Justin is so in love with Fisher and Hunter. cute!