Sunday, February 12, 2012

5th Set of Ear Tubes

December 1, 2011, the twins got their 5th set of ear tubes - making 3 tubes for Fisher and 2 tubes for Hunter.  On the second set it is common to have the adenoids removed so now both boys are without adenoids. 

As soon as we walked into the room to change them into their cute little gowns, Fisher started crying. He didn't stop crying until the nurse took him to the OR Room. He probably stopped crying once they were down the hall a little ways because he thought that he was escaping. Haha.  Hunter was content watching cartoons.  The little slippers they got were enormous!

They both handled the surgery well. Hunter had a little bit of a difficult time waking up because he was so tired going into the surgery. 

Once Fisher was out of surgery all he wanted to do was play with the toy in the waiting room. Tyler took him out there to play while we waited for Hunter to recover.

Hunter had a great nap that day and when he woke up his ear looked like this:

Can you say.....ALLERGIC REACTION.  He was allergic to the antibiotic drop they put in his ear right after surgery.  We had to flush his ear with saline solution and get a different antibiotic drop.  Once we got his ear flushed and the new drop in the redness went away after a few hours.  Poor little guy just kept rubbing his ear because it bothered him so much.

During the surgery we had the doctors do a hearing test (AOE).  Hunter has failed this type of hearing test since he was very young.  He passed his initial newborn hearing screening but has not passed since.  The nurses/ENT doctors have been saying that he was failing this type of test because he wiggled and cried so much that they weren't able to get an accurate reading.  This test was done during the surgery so he was not wiggling nor was he crying and he still failed.  Still the doctor said that Hunter may have failed because his ear drum had been under so much pressure so we would check it at the 2 week follow up.  At that appointment, he failed, no surprise to me.  They finally referred us to get an ABR (Auditory Brain Response).  This test has to be done while asleep so we will be doing this test soon.

Hopefully, this will be the last set of ear tubes we have at the Clark house.

1 comment:

Racheal said...

Its so sad that they've had so many things. Is there suppose to be a picture of his ear. I just imagined it if it really wasn't suppose to be there. Yuck- it looks gross. ;)