Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hunter's eating progress

Hunter has been doing so good with his eating. We are constantly working on getting him to tolerate mixed textures. He has a super sensitive gag reflex so when he eats mixed textures he gags and will often times throw up everything in his tummy.

Currently, everything Hunter eats in mixed in the blender.  I call it a blender party when I get the blender out and stock the fridge with what he will eat over the next several days.  He is improving.  He LOVES Cheetos!  They melt in his mouth quickly and they taste so good!  Hunter has to learn to tolerate mixed textures so that he can actually chew them in order to build enough muscle in his mouth/jaw to start talking.  We are working on this together.  I have learned so much from his speech therapist.  I had no idea that speech therapy was so heavily involved with feeding.

This is what the fridge looks like after a blender party.

An easy way to add texture to the puree is to add cracker crumbs.

Hunter has Dyspesia, which is a problem with his stomach motility.  Since about 4 months old he has been on an antibiotic called Erythromycin to aid in stomach motility.  This medication is used for the side effects.  It helps move food through his body.  Basically, that means he poops ALOT.  His original dose was taken 3 times a day; we are slowly weaning him off of it and he is now down to 1 dose a day!!  Hooray.  We are anxious to get him off of this.  If we can get him off the erythromycin then that means that his stomach has enough motility to do what it needs to do.

Keep up the good work Hunter! 

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