Sunday, February 12, 2012

Kidney Testing Again

On December 13, 2011, Hunter went in for his usual rounds of tests on his kidney. He was such a trooper. He is old enough now that he recognizes the room and knows that he doesn't want to be there. He did well as long as he could see CARS on the TV.

They strap him to a board so that he doesn't move during the test.  They had a very difficult time getting his IV started.  They tried his left ankle, then right ankle, then right wrist and finally in the left wrist they were able to get a successful IV going.  I was getting a little upset about the number of times it was taking them to get one in. 

The tests that they do shows whether the kidney has proper function and the time it takes for the kidney to drain completely.  We do the tests and then talk to the doctor about them an hour later.  I am so glad that the doctor actually can see the results that fast.  Luckily, this time Hunter fell asleep during the test.  All the crying he did while they messed around with his IV tuckered him right out.

We found out that Hunter's kidney has not made any improvement so he will have to have surgery.  His kidney still has proper function but is incredibly slow!  The surgery that he needs is Pyeloplasty and Nephrectomy.  The pyeloplasty means that they will remove the ureter tube and insert it back into the kidney in a new location. The nephrectomy means that they will cut a portion of his kidney off (the portion that doesn't function properly) and remove it.  Hunter will come home with a tube that drains the kidney right into his diaper. This will allow the kidney to heal properly.  He will have the tube for 10 -14 days. 

Hunter is a trooper. Hopefully the surgery will correct the problem and we can check it off the list.  Wish Hunter luck!

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