Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Fisher is such a speedball. He is 6 weeks away from being 2 1/2 years old.  He is full of energy and we love it.

Here are a few pictures of our Fisher.  Most of these pictures are a couple of months old but better late than never.....
Fisher loves to play in the pantry with the food on the bottom shelf.  Here he is with the slivered almonds all over the floor.  October 2011.

Fisher loves to go bye-bye but he does not like to be restrained in the car seat.  He is getting better now that he knows he will get out when we get to where ever we are going.  There Hunter is just kicked back and holding his toes.  October 2011.

Here Fisher is playing with the train.  October 2011.

Not potty trained yet...who was on diaper duty this day?  November 2011.

Here Fisher is working on the ABC puzzle. He is getting so smart. He is pretty independent though and doesn't want any help with it. November 2011.

This picture doesn't do the hole in his tongue justice.  One night at dinner Fisher fell off the bar stool.  He got up and blood just dripped from him mouth.  I could not figure out where it was coming from and it eventually stopped bleeding.  I assumed he bit his lip or something but when I brushed Fisher's teeth that night I discovered a gaping hole in his tongue.  It was super sore for several days but after about a week it was healed right up. December 2012.

Everyday Justin leaves for school Fisher is so sad.  Some days he gets Justin's old back pack on and thinks he is going to school too.  He looks so big here. Before we know it Fisher will be going to preschool too.  December 2011.

Fisher is in that stage where he doesn't think he needs a nap. He feel asleep on the couch waiting for a snack. He woke up as sweaty as can be. You can really see how cute he is when he is holding still. January 2012.

Fisher was a little sad one I called Tyler and let him talk to him. Fisher is a daddy's boy. He gets so excited when daddy comes home. February 2012.

We love our Fisher!

1 comment:

Racheal said...

He looks just like Tyler. How fun- thanks for sharing all the things that he does.