Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Justin's Kindergarten Graduation

May 21, 2013.

Justin graduated from Kindergarten!! Woot! Woot!  He participated so well in the program and smiled so big!  I am very proud of him for all that he has learned at school this year.  I was so nervous for him to start kindergarten and now he is graduating! Way to go Justin.

Justin looked so sharp in his graduation cap.  He was so proud of himself and excited.  This is the table that he sat at.  He made some new friends from here.

Justin is on the top/back row, 5th from the right, in a light blue shirt.

Mom, Dad, Fisher and Hunter are Justin's biggest fans. 

Singing one of the many songs.

Grandma Nancy and Grandma Sing came to support Justin.  Grandma Clark wasn't able to come because she was really sick.  Justin loves all 3 of his Grandma's so so much.

Because Justin has a summer birthday he was able to celebrate his birthday today.  He got a Happy Birthday crown and they sang to him.  Justin took treats to share with his class.

Justin made a good friend at his table, Estin Oswald. 

Justin and Kiera holding up their diploma's!  It was fun for Justin and Kiera to be in the same class this year. 
Mom and Justin in his classroom after graduation. 

Justin and his teacher, Miss Glover.  We really enjoyed having her for Justin's teacher and he liked her a lot.  All year long, he thought she was pretty. 

 Just after the program Justin said to us, "I'm a grader now."  Haha. So proud of him.
Thank you Miss Glover for making Kindergarten so much fun for Justin! 
He learned so much I am so amazed! 

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