Sunday, August 11, 2013

Nissen Follow Up Appointment

May 6, 2013.

Two and a half weeks after Hunter's surgery he had a follow-up appointment with the surgeon, Dr. Black.  We were very worried because Hunter was still regurgitating a little after eating.  At this point in the game, we were expecting him to keep everything in.  We were still at this point feeding him pureed foods with absolutely zero solids. 
This is a picture of Hunter a couple days before his appointment.  Although he was improving in strength and energy he was still very weak.  His bid and tray show what was still coming back up.

Hunter feel asleep in the van on the way to the appointment.  I couldn't believe that he stayed asleep to get into the stroller and back out of the stroller to get weighed.  I can't remember how much he weighed but he was so cute asleep on the scale.

The follow-up appointment went good and eased our fears a little bit.  Dr. Black said that it was ok that things were still coming back up.  The surgery created a high pressure zone at the lower esophageal sphincter and there was still a lot of swelling and Hunter just has to get used to how this new feeling feels while eating.  He told us to be patient and that he was doing well.  He gave us the go ahead to remove all of the steri-strips and bath him as normal! Whoo Hoo!

That night after bath we took off his steri-strips.  This is what his incision looked like 2 1/2 weeks post-op.  Looking good!  Although, Tyler and I both can not figure out why we did not have his belly button fixed at the same time.  I don't think we realized how his regurgitating completely dominated out thoughts.

Keep up the good work my little Hunter-Bunter!!  You are so brave and we love you!!

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