Friday, October 14, 2011

Alot alike or very different?

I always get asked if Fisher and Hunter are a lot alike or very different. My answer is, without hesitation, very different!!

I think the only thing that they are alike on is their birth date and the time of day they have a messy diaper.

This is how different they are:

* Fisher wont lay down in the tub and Hunter wont sit up.
* Fisher's hair is combed to his left and Hunter's to his right.
* Fisher hates, hates his diaper changed. Hunter loves his diaper changed.
* Fisher loves his teeth brushed, Hunter doesn't really like it.
* Fisher wont sit still for more than a couple of minutes. Hunter is content with a toy for a long time.
* Fisher has blonde hair brown eyes and Hunter has brown hair blue eyes.
* Fisher's hair looks best short short and Hunter a little longer.
* Fisher does not like to be snuggled. Hunter is a little snuggle bug.
* Fisher loves his shoes on (that means he is going outside) and Hunter takes his shoes off almost immediately.
* Fisher is a daddy's boy and Hunter a mommy's boy.
* Fisher is a crappy eater. Hunter eats great.
* Fisher must eat at the counter without a bib and Hunter eats in a highchair with a bib.
* Fisher has to have his dinosaur to go to sleep. Hunter doesn't need anything to fall asleep (except medication).
* Fisher loves to read books; Hunter would rather chew on them.
* Fisher has to touch everything. Hunter has to chew/suck/taste everything.
* Fisher likes his milk warm. Hunter likes his milk HOT.
* Fisher doesn't have a ticklish spot on his body. Hunter is very ticklish all over.
* Fisher needs a lot of sleep. Hunter survives on a lot less sleep.
* Fisher throws things when he gets frustrated. Hunter doesn't get frustrated.
* Fisher loves otter pops. Hunter wont touch them.

These are just a few differences. We just love that they are their own little person. I always say that Heavenly Father knew I couldn't handle 2 Fisher's or 2 Hunter's and that is why I got them just the way they are.

We feel blessed to have the 3 very different boys that we have!!! We love you Justin, Fisher and Hunter! Thanks for being you!

1 comment:

kelliemcc said...

That's so cute, what a great list to have for later on when you won't remember anything!