He does great and loves being outside.
Kierra, Wyatt and Justin playing in the sandbox.
Wyatt, Justin and Kierra eating cupcakes on the deck.
Justin, Wyatt and Fisher having snacks. Fisher was so happy the big boys wanted him to snack with them.
Kierra, Wyatt and Justin playing in the mud with the big trucks! Cameron is on the "Skateboard" swing. They call it the skateboard swing because if you stand up on it then its like you are riding a big skateboard.
MacKay, Kierra, Justin and Wyatt on the tramp.
Justin, Wyatt, Fisher, Kierra and Maddi eating Otter Pops!
Kierra, Maddi, Justin and Wyatt on the tramp in the "rain". One afternoon I sprayed the kids with the hose so that it felt like it was raining. They loved it.
Maddi, Kierra, Justin and Wyatt in the "rain" in the sandbox!
Wyatt, Justin and Kierra in Wyatt's pool in his backyard.
Knights in Shinning Armour! Justin said, "Wyatt is a knight and I am Shinning Armour!"
Wyatt and Justin on their bikes. They were taking a break from the sun in Wyatt's garage.
This summer Wyatt and Justin went to Summer Camp together. They had a dress up day. Wyatt was a knight and Justin was Sherrif Woody.
Ryker, Justin, Wyatt and Fisher taking a break in the shade eating otter pops!
Summer time is the best. Justin spent most of his time this summer with Wyatt Page, Kierra Saunders and Maddi Macey. Other friends that are not in the pictures are Will, Gwen and Maggie Endsley, Austin and Jayden Saunders, Alexia Recksiek, Camri Clayton, Easton Atwood, Cameron, Gavin and Braden Nault. Thanks to all the friends who made summer so much fun!!
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