I know I already posted this picture but it is one of my favorites.
Weight: 22.6 lbs
* watching Mickey Mouse and CARS
* playing with his Scout dog
* closing and opening doors (especially the pantry doors)
* bugging Justin by pulling on the back of his shirt
* kicking in the tub
* kissing mom
* playing patty-cake
* crawling from the TV room to Justin's room
* sucking on his toes (sometimes both feet at once)
* still loves getting his diaper changed
Hunter is progressing every day. He is starting to take steps with his walker and will pull himself up to it and start walking on his own. He cruises the couch well. He can crawl anywhere he wants to go. Hunter is the best little eater. He eats almost anything you give him. He does well self-feeding puffs, cheetos, crackers and nutri grain bars (he does good as long as it kind of softens up with gumming).
Therapy Schedule at 2:
* Physical Therapy: 2X/month with Kelly and Becca
* Occupational Therapy: 1X/month with Gary
* Speech Therapy: 1X/month with Gayleen
* General Development: 1X/month with Charity
* Motor Class: every Wednesday with Gary and Chris
Things Hunter is working on:
* getting off the couch
* going down stairs
* walking
* balance
* eating table food
* talking
* Hunner Bunter
We love our Hunner Bunter!
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