Tuesday, September 16, 2008

IVF Update - 3 Weeks to Transfer

In 3 weeks from today I will be at the U doing the embryo transfer. Yippee!!
I have been taking Lupron for 10 days now and will start an Estrogen pill tomorrow. The Lupron basically turns off all of my hormones and the estrogen will start to build the uterine lining to prepare for a pregnancy. I feel a little lousy since my hormones are all messed up. Every Wednesday from here on out will mean a change in my medications. Tyler and Justin have been very supportive and have done well "dealing with mom". Last night Tyler gave me a much needed blessing - it was awesome!! Here is a picture of the Lupron med and shot needle (I take this in my stomach).

I was thinking back to our 1st round of IVF and what an experience it was to go through the procedures for the very first time. It is definately an amazing experience and all of the timing that goes into it is absolutely crazy. This is a picture of me and Tyler on the 1st round of IVF at harvest time. This was by far the most painful thing I had ever done up to that point in my life(the only thing worse is actually having a baby).

At harvest time they give you medication to make you a little loopy so you dont notice the pain so much. Tyler still laughs at me because he said that I was so funny when they gave it to me. I kept saying I didnt think that it was working but the whole time I was talking I was slurring my words together so much that he could barely understand me. He just kept telling me not to worry and it would kick in soon enough. All I remember was people counting the eggs but that is about it.

This go around we dont have to do the harvest because we are doing a cryopreservation IVF meaning we will be using frozen embryos from our first cycle. I know, it is crazy. We have 3 embryos that they will "defrost". Each one has about 50% chance of surviving - we are hoping for at least 2 to be viable for the transfer. Once we do the transfer on October 7th I will be on bedrest for 2 days. And 2 days is nothing compared to the 72 days I was on bedrest with Justin. The only twist is that this time I have a running, breathing child to attend to. Thank goodness for a great husband and lots of family.

Please keep us in your prayers.


Unknown said...

WOW that is amazing. I bet you could teach a class on everything you have learned from your experience. It's crazy what we do to have kids. Good luck and my prayers are with you.

marci said...

You are definitly in our prayers!!! You are amazing! I had no idea all the stuff you have gone throught to have kids. At least they are worth it!! :)

Brandan & Haylie said...

I will be happy to help with Justin or any house work. Call it payback for all you did for me when I was on bedrest. Let me know what else I can do. Maybe dinner perhaps, although I might screw up your new 'healthy eating':-)

kelliemcc said...

Can I get some lupron for Josh?
Seriously now, can I? Ha just kidding, hope all goes well and your embryos defrost and give you many children.

Heather said...

Good Luck Hill & Tyler we will keep you in are prayers, we'll hope for twins are maybe quads. Let me know what help you need. Kate and Justin would have a ball together.

Gingerlylizzy said...

Ouch! Let me know if you need anything...
You are definitely in our prayers!

Lindsey said...

We are SO excited for you guys!!!! I can't wait to hear the good news that it worked! You are in our prayers!! xoxoxoxox