Thursday, September 25, 2008

Random Hillary

Ok, so I got tagged twice in the last week.... this time it is the 6 Random Things about me (Kris, I will do the Crazy 8's soon....)

6 Random things about me

  1. I love construction zones! ah, yes, you read it right. Whenever I drive up on orange barrels I wonder things like, what are they building, who is the contractor, what is the schedule for completion, who is that subcontractor, is there a penalty on this job, is this a federally or state funded project, blablabla.... you can chock this up to all the years I worked for my Dad's company (Gerber Construction). I started working in the field as a construction worker and then I moved into the office. I quit when I was put on bedrest with Justin but am back working a few hours a week on special projects. This is me and my cousin, Racheal, eating lunch. We were working on I-80 Bridge Rehabilitation in 2000.
  2. This is me, my Dad, and my sister, Kristal. We were working in Ely Nevada at a Sewer Treatment Plant in 2000. I have great stories of working with my family.

  3. I have a few OCD behaviors: I cant stand water spots in the kitchen sink; you've gotta love stainless. My closet is color coordinated; and I only use WHITE PLASTIC hangers (somehow when I got married all of Tyler's metal hangers turned into white plastic...imagine that). I have to (I mean have to) make my bed every morning no matter if I am late to wherever I am going. I cant stand a dirty fridge. I dont like water spots on my kitchen floor (or drool spots from Justin). My shoes have a specific spot in the closet.

  4. I love to sew. I mostly like to sew baby blankets and other quilts. My neighbor just taught me how to hand bind a quilt. It is very addicting but very time consuming. I like to crochet baby blankets and bibs too.

  5. Some of the things on my wish list are... a bookcase for Justin, a picture of the Jordan River Temple that they sell at Costco sometimes, a new wardrobe that fits me, a successful attempt at IVF in 2 weeks, new carpet (dont tell Tyler I said that), Lasik so I dont have to put glasses on at night to see my baby's face.

  6. I've thought about quitting scrapbooking (Marci, dont fall off your chair). I havent worked on mine in 7 years. I am so far behind and it will cost me a fortune to get my pictures printed that are just saved on my computer. I am thinking about doing slideshow DVD's for each year. ??????

  7. I am so scared of spiders its not funny. I had the biggest spider I have ever seen in my garage about a month ago. I took a picture of it so Tyler would believe me how big it was. I was so scared of this enormous spider that I couldnt even kill it and I waited for 3 hours for Tyler to come home to kill it. No, I didnt just stand and watch it, I went to my sisters house until Tyler got home. When he got home it was still in the same spot!! When he knocked it off the garage door and it hit the cement babies went everywhere. The spider was so big because it was packing its babies all over itself. I was sick. I was safe though becuase I was in the car watching when he killed it.

So, I am not going to tag anyone but if you think this is fun then share some random things about yourself.


kelliemcc said...

Here are my randoms. I love reading stuff like this, in emails or on blogs, and I love it when I drive by someone's house (whether I know them or not) and it's dark and they have the lights on and their blinds aren't closed so I can see right in. Peeping Kellie. I really wanted to see the picture of the giant spider again, where is it?

marci said...

I love learning random things about you! I also love that you posted pictures with your random-ness! What a good idea!

I love the yearly DVD idea!

Emily said...

Love the pictures of you on the construction sites. I can't believe it was 8 years ago that you and Rach were up on I-80! Time flies. It was nice to see you and Justin. Hope all goes well with the IVF. I'll be watching your progress!

Gingerlylizzy said...

I am pretty darn scared of spiders too but that is a hilarious story! I think the babies thing would have creeped me out.