Tuesday, September 30, 2008

IVF Update - 1 week to transfer

Ok, so we have 1 week until the embryo transfer. We go in next Tuesday. I am scared, nervous, excited, ready, and almost anything else you can think of. Today we went to the U and had an ultrasound and saw that things are ready to rock-n-roll. I am always so nervous the night before appointments and then when they are over I get giggly and hyper. Tyler laughs at me every time. I just love the U. I am always impressed when I go there. They are so personable and the whole staff is just so awesome.

Tomorrow is a milestone - day 1 of progrestrone shots. Hopefully, we will do them for 10 weeks. (Hopefully means that this cycle of IVF will be successful.)

This is what the needle and the meds look like. Do you see the size of that needle? and it goes all the way in my hip/backside. That is why I am so nervous. I am sure that after the first shot I will relax a little.

Anyway, wish us luck!!

PS I just found out that a friend of mine is pregnant with TRIPLETS on their 7th IVF cycle. This is their 1st successful cycle. Wish them luck too!!


Stephanie said...

Oh Hillary, I do wish you the best of LUCK!!! It worked for us with babies #4 & 5. You'll be in our prayers!!!! Keep your blog updated!!!!

The Quarnbergs said...

That needle is huge!!!! Freaked me out just looking at it! Good luck next week! Keep us updated with your blog! hey and about a girls weekend or overnighter- Let's go! It was just what i needed last weekend and I got quite a bit of christmas shopping done, amongst all the fun! I miss hanging out with all you guys!

Christiansen Family said...

We are praying for you and Tyler. Rock'N'Roll!